Cruise Ship Injury & Claims
Have you or a loved one fallen on board or overboard from a cruise ship, resulting in serious injury or death?
Mr. Eriksen prosecutes major Admiralty law suit claims in South Florida negligence cases arising from severe injuries or deaths occurring on foreign or domestic, e.g., Florida, cruise ships or charters. He has had significant experience handling slip or trip and fall and "man overboard" cases.
Prosecuting claims against cruise ship companies for injuries or death is not for the inexperienced.
Cruise ship accidents and claims involve that part of maritime law that pertains only to cruise ships. Prosecuting claims against cruise ship companies for injuries or death is not for the inexperienced. Passengers must be aware that cruise lines often insert special provisions into their tickets. For example, cruise lines can designate on the passenger ticket the location where they must be sued. Most major cruise lines are based in Miami, Florida and designate Miami as the location where they must be sued. If passengers fail to follow these rules, they run the risk of the court dismissing their claim against the cruise line.
In the case of someone falling from a ship, many people assume it is the person's fault. This is not always the case. There have been rare instances when passengers have been pushed overboard, while others have slipped on deck sustaining serious injury, or fallen overboard and drowned. It is important to note that international law requires that cruise ship decks are kept dry.
The magnitude of handling this kind of case requires a significant amount of time, extensive research and careful attention to detail.
The magnitude of handling this kind of case requires a significant amount of time, extensive research and careful attention to detail. Because he limits his representation to a few select cases, every client receives Mr. Eriksen's personal attention. He devotes the time required to carefully prepare each case and move it to a more rapid conclusion.