Cruise Ship Sexual Assault & Rape

Cruise Ship Sexual Assault & Rape

Have you or a loved one been attacked, molested or raped by a crew-member on board ship during an ocean cruise?

There have been many instances where cruise passengers have been assaulted and/or raped by a member of the crew. It is also interesting to note that sexual assault cases have involved attacks by passengers against other passengers and crew-members.

As a result of the cases Michael D. Eriksen has handled, we have extensive information regarding prior complaints of sexual assaults on board cruise ships, which assist us in our representation of new clients. In some cases, discipline on board ships was lax or non-existent, and a pattern of disregard of prior complaints and dangerous conditions may have been established.

Familiarity with this complicated and sensitive area of the law assists us in effectively representing clients who are victims of personal attacks.

Eriksen Law Firm also has experience in identifying and working with experts in rape and sexual assault trauma, forensics and security. Familiarity with this complicated and sensitive area of the law assists us in effectively representing clients who are victims of personal attacks. In 1994, Mr. Eriksen wrote and obtained passage of a sexual assault law governing attack and rape cases on the high seas. Since then, these incidents have diminished.

Some rapes have occurred because passengers were "under the influence" and thereby susceptible to attack and unable to defend themselves. In 2005, Mr. Eriksen wrote and obtained passage of a law governing cruise line responsibility in the disbursement of alcoholic beverages.